love it, but wheres the rhyme & reason?
Ive used cinamatic from day 1 (or 2 .. at least within a week of release) and used it religiously to add my music to my videos. its really not worth it unless you buy all of the IAPs, so be conscious of that ... that being said, its taken a very long time for new IAPs to show up.
the biggest and most frustrating issue that has plagued Cinamatic for a few years now is the fact that some videos wont load in from your camera roll and there doesnt seem to be any reason why ... its not like theres a prompt telling you "cannot load video", it just sits there after compressing the video and never loads it.
whats up with that?
sometimes if I take an unloadable vid and run it thru procamapp under its video editing function - cropping it a bit - it will suddenly load just fine ... but in general, it doesnt seem to play nice with others. thats the big issue thats keeping it from 5 stars imo.
transcendentalaccidentalism about
Cinamatic, v1.5.9